
Admissions Overview

On behalf of all of the students and staff at Asheville Catholic, we welcome you!  As you look at our website and see just a hint of what we have to offer, we hope that what you find leads you on to the next step of your journey.  Our mission statement says:

"At Asheville Catholic School we answer Christ’s call.  We lead and serve by example, asking God to light the way each and every day."

Every journey begins with a first step.  You've taken that first step, and we invite you to take the next.  Please contact us for a tour so that you can learn more about Asheville Catholic School and how God is using us to nurture Christian leaders who change the world!
Asheville Catholic School's mission is to inspire our students to change the world as Christian leaders.  With this end in mind, we accept all who are open to learning about how God guides us, through the teachings of Christ, to love Him above all, and love others as ourselves.  As part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte, we welcome all with open arms.